
Sunday, 10 January 2010

You have no idea..........

Just how long it has taken me to find a template that suits my fussy face (and I am still not convinced) and how long it has taken me to upload it to the blog - oh how I wish I was just slightly computer literate, I am good at pressing buttons and causing unseen harm but not so good at anything worthwhile.

So without rubbing it in I think I'll go back to playing with the Hero Arts stamps, they are so very lush and I just want them all, did I mention the lovely van driver, (I'd marry him if it wasn't for the fact that I already am married), there is one thing for sure my hubbie wouldn't have trudged through the snow with five boxes of stamps for me!

Back to distressing and stamping it is.....


  1. LOVE the new look :) Hope the snow goes soon so I can come and visit and shop.

  2. you and your fussy face - mind you, I'm the same, just couldn't find anything I liked so got Graham to make mine up on photoshop for me
    oh what a hardship, stuck there with 5 boxes of HA stamps
    I would imagine you'll have a lot less after Kath and I've been out on Saturday though

  3. ooooo your delivery man sounds like a lush!

    Happy crafting look forwards to seeing what you've been upto.

  4. well I posted a comment yesterday and it has disappeared!!!!!!

    Love the new look Jacqui. Hope to see you soon if the weather lets me!!! x

  5. oooh I love all the pink lushness!!!
